Tuesday, March 20, 2007

More music.

Lemongrass - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NH770FZ7

Just found this one myself a bit ago, tremendously warm soothing electronica trip-hop stuff. When its actually spring outside, this what to listen to while cruising around sunny fields.

Alamaailman Vasarat - Vasaraasia http://tinyurl.com/24vvme

This shit is absolutely out of control. From Finland, complete with incomprehensible song titles. Has influence from heavy rock, post-rock, polka, general Scandinavian heritage, and god knows what else. Really epic, crazy stuff.

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IK52ZZWR

Their new one, due out in may i think. It's quite good, definetly an improvement over Ghost. Has a bit of a return to their earlier folky acoustic ramblings, but manages to stay interesting by keeping some amount of newer sonic blasts and beats going on. The tracks that stand out are the ones that really take advantage of Nels Cline's freejazz guitar soloing, and layers of melodies atop Tweedy's picturesque lyrics.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


So, here's something useful, and not class related stuff. I was planning on doing this at some point, and just now remembered. So music piracy one o' one. You could use limewire like all the other kids, or soul seek if you're a little more civilized. But sometimes you just can't find that post-dub band from texas you heard at the party last weekend, or maybe you dont know what to search for tonight.

So first off, download this. http://www.rarlab.com/

Then whenever you see a like the following: Because Of Ghosts http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MW4P2KGZ, go there and download the compressed album. You get all the tracks and usually artwork in probably less than ten minutes, sometimes like two, its great. There are other sites that do the same thing, megaupload is just one of the bigger ones.

Then use the aforementioned program to decompress the file, and save it into your regular old music folder.

So here's a quick shot of post rock to get things going. Post rock if you don't know is a genre of music that evolves out of the same old shit you hear on the radio, and incorporates pretty much every instrument you would want, and various electronic bits. It's an incredibly vague term for the music, but mostly, think intense instrumental music that focuses on emotion, texture and structure rather than verse, chorus,verse chorus, shitty vocals, etc...

So here ya go.

Six Parts Seven - Casually Smashed to Pieces http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F1MNA1IN

Mogwai - Happy Songs For Happy People http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z9CQ2R90

Mogwai - Rock Action http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SHL5ZI4Z

Pelican - March Into the Sea http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G94171MM

Laura - Radio Swan Is Down http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G94171MM

Russian Circles - Upper Ninety http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SZRJWA2V

A History Of Internet Art

So, about this Rachel Greene. The article assigned to read this week- though really only just read moments ago due to a lack of internet the last day or so at home - was a general old history of the supposed internet art, or net.art as it's been coined due to a random glitch in an email. And while the article gave a very nice summation of the progressions of this medium, I still am not particularly grabbed by it's achievments. For every website or piece that is linked to, they all seem rather uninteresting. All of them from the nineties, they seem like crude experiments towards something that has yet to come into any sort of existance. Today, the internet houses a sprawling world of shared art, music, stories and and any such other things, all interconnected in a way that presents amazing things that would otherwise never be seen, to some random kid on his couch. But the examples of inherent art of the internet itself, seem more like amusing websites one's mom would send them in a chain email.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Class Assignment

Hey, so I'm making some sort of web page dealie for class. One of those html's, where one clicks here and there to jump through arbitrary pictures and pages. Will most likely involve surreal little ink drawings photoshoped up and down with pictures & paint and such. http://www.noforseriously.com/ is a rather amazing old web comic called Pihakwa, or some variation on that spelling, hard to remember these things. But this thing I'm making'll be about strange disfigured creatures that live inside rocks, style similar to that comic. I mean, inside rocks. You know you've always wonderred what's in there.